Saturday, June 30, 2007


It's rather ironic that I decided to name this blog "75 To Go" because when I was thinking about starting this project, I decided that I would not focus on weight loss goals.

I think goals are the wrong way to look at weight loss.

If I want to make permanent changes - which I need to in order to maintain the loss - I need to view these as long-term, permanent lifestyle changes, not something that is only temporary, until I reach my goal.

Milestones, on the other hand, are okay.

One milestone for me will be when I get below 200.

Another will be when I am finally overweight - no longer obese.

Losing 75 will be another milestone because I will finally be in the healthy weight zone, but I will not stop there. I might stay there, but I will not stop.

I will continue with my healthy habits for as long as I live.

At least, that's the goal.

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